Puppy Obedience Training: How to Make Your Dog Listen
Often times we see dogs doing drastic stuff. For instance, if you are going on long walks in the park, you will notice how your dog will chase something out in the open and you can’t seem to stop him. There will also be cases in which your dog jumps around or growls at people who enter your house for the first time. Learn how to make your dog listen to you with some basic puppy obedience training.
It is always frustrating every time your dog doesn’t seem to want to listen to you, as if it had lost all respect for you in some way or the other.
Well, we can never really understand dogs but dog enthusiasts have always outlined the worst part of owning a pet, and that is to secure obedience.
In puppy obedience training, instilling respect on the dog’s behavior is an integral part of obedience training and is always important if you truly want your dog to be the proper companion for you.
But for many people, this isn’t always the case as dogs are very complex creatures to begin with and their level of obedience towards their owners vary.
We cannot exactly control how our dogs act. Still, it is important that dog owners highlight lessons in obedience.
Anything your dog does can either make you happy or stress you out to the point of exhaustion. And in the case of the latter, you ought to do something to make your dog more obedient towards you.
But we are telling you right now it gets tricky once you take the first steps.
First of all, you need to teach your dog basic commands such as come, stay and sit. By mastering these basic commands, your dog can move on to more complex instructions – that is of course if you get your dog to memorize and master these commands
It seems like a simple task but teaching your dog to do any of this stuff requires a hell lot of patience and of course, time.
Nothing in the field of dog training passes off as easy, even for veteran trainers who have worked with different dog breeds.
In such a case, you need to secure a patient mindset and not let your emotions get the better of you. There will always be cases in which you become too impatient.
But you have to realize that for your dog to work hard on becoming more disciplined and obedient, you as the owner should also work hard.
That is a caveat in dog training but if you can get past that, then at least you can say to yourself that you are on the right path. As long as you keep calm, it will become easier for you to teach your dog not just to stand, sit and come over, but also to roll over, play dead, and heel.
In some cases, you may want to consider enrolling your dog to obedience classes where trained professionals will handle the more complex parts of discipline training. But for this to work out well for you and your dog, you should be willing to shell out a lot of cash.
Otherwise, you may want to train your dog yourself using tried and tested methods that provided considerable success to many a dog lover.
Or you can also opt for online dog training programs which are cheaper and less time consuming but just as effective. Doggy Dan’s Online Dog Trainer and Brain Training for Dogs are two of the best and most popular online dog training programs out there. Check them out and you will be amazed by what they offer.
Using food and treats is also an effective method to get your dog to listen to you. Nothing beats positive reinforcement, and your dog will indeed respond positively if you give him a biscuit for the good job he has done.
In fact, dog training becomes a whole lot easier if you give your dog a treat every time he follows a command.
By doing so, you allow him to internalize these commands and make them a part of his system.
In cases where you are walking in the park and he gets distracted by something, do not resist your dog as he keeps on pulling or gnawing on the leash. Instead, change your direction and always keep a firm hand.
And when he stops and calms down, give him a treat. He will eventually know what to do in order to get your approval.
There are still many ways you can do to make your dog listen to you. But the most important thing is always to keep yourself focused on the goal of building a sense of discipline and obedience in your dog.