Home Dog Training vs Puppy School Training
You need to understand that owning a puppy is as much a liability as owning a car. Because once you realize just how costly it is to own a puppy, you will also have to realize that you need to make use of the best methods to address simple and complex problems – and for less. And home dog training may be the answer for you.
Basically, the right path is to realize the costliest thing for one owner to do when it comes to training their puppies.
What exactly is it? Puppy school.
Yes, most owners are drawn to the prospect of enrolling their puppies to puppy school, with the expectation that such schools relieve them from the pangs of having to train the puppies themselves.
What they don’t know is that this is a big mistake on their part. And not to mention a huge waste of money!
And why is that particularly? Well, not to be a downer and all, but puppy training through these schools do not guarantee the best results in terms of changing a dog’s behavior.
From what we have seen from these puppy schools, they do not exactly promote a wholesome environment where your dog can grow up to become the type of companion you wished him to be.
While disciplinary schools offer activities and opportunities to rub elbows with other dog enthusiasts, they still cannot match up to the effectiveness of simply becoming the pack leader to a dog.
Instead of wasting your money on “effective” training schools that promise nothing, you need to apply the most effective home dog training techniques that will get your puppy to respect you like it should in a more primitive setting.
5 Step-by-Step Exercises That Will Leave Your Puppy Calm, Attentive, and Ready for Training
Moreover, there are many cases where puppy training through such schools can backfire and they can fall on the owner hard like an axe through Ned Stark’s neck. If puppy training really is effective, then why are there many where dog’s behaviors go from mild to absolutely worse?
In some cases, a dog’s behavior changes once it undergoes training through a puppy school. Symptoms such as constant barking and growling are very well known. A puppy fresh from such a school will have a tendency to become hostile towards any living creature it sees.
And we’re not talking about burglars and absolute strangers, but also innocent looking people and even children. Trying to overcome this kind of attitude will take a long time but at this point, one might wonder if enrolling the pup to a training school was really a good idea.
It gets worse in some cases when a puppy follows its owner around as if it’s too insecure to be on its own. There will also be cases of constant biting where a puppy will gnaw at anything it sees and become obsessed with chewing so much that it becomes a problem in and of itself.
At this moment, one would realize if puppy school was really effective. But judging from the modified behavior of a puppy, one can only believe that it really isn’t and home dog training might be a better choice.
5 Step-by-Step Exercises That Will Leave Your Puppy Calm, Attentive, and Ready for Training
You throw away your money on a system that doesn’t work all that well and only worsened the behavior of your poor little pup. In such a case, it is a better idea to try a more different approach.
Instead of making time to hire a trainer or leave your dog in the hands of someone you think is an “expert” in puppy training, you will have to apply more effective means to truly discipline your dog and secure better results like no puppy school can.
What this entails is the realization that you are the master of your dog. You are basically the reason for its being. We’re not talking about being like a God, but the important thing here is that your dog respects you because you are much larger than him.
Understand that your dog trusts you and you do not have to leave him to someone who thinks he knows your dog better than you do. Instead of going down this path, try to use a more different approach by letting your dog calm down and secure its trust.
You have to realize that you need to secure your role as a leader, which is also the reason for the many annoying things that your dog does on the regular.
Its constant barking and growling only assures you that he remains as your bodyguard, your best friend that will always keep the den safe and secured from unfriendly elements.
By understanding this, it will be easier for you to come up with ways to calm your dog down and, ultimately, give it enough reason to trust you again.
Because as things go in the wild, survival is truly for the fittest, but leadership trumps anything else. Dogs are basically social creatures that adhere to a hierarchy where the pack leader (which is you) acts as the provider of the collective.
Putting the pack leader in danger can ultimately mean the end of the pack since its main source of food and protection is no longer there to assume the role of leader. As complex as it may sound, you as a dog owner should be able to understand these dynamics to be able to address the needs of your puppy.
If ever your puppy has the same issues with strangers as evidenced by its constant growling and barking, do not take the costlier road provided by puppy schools.
5 Step-by-Step Exercises That Will Leave Your Puppy Calm, Attentive, and Ready for Training
Instead, learn how to gain respect from your dog and you will realize that you can save a lot of time, money and energy just by appealing to your puppy’s natural instincts.
Home dog training gives many ways for you to command respect. Aside from giving food (which is more of an obligation rather than an act of securing trust) , you can always do better by giving your puppy the time it needs to be with you.
Better yet, make him feel more secured by giving him a comfortable place to stay and not do anything to lose its trust towards you.
You can find more detailed techniques online, but you can always make use of your dog’s primal instincts to improve its own attitude and save you the hassle of enrolling him to a puppy training school.
Discipline can only be taught where it is usually tested: in the real world. And understanding that means doing the best you can to provide your puppy the TLC it needs to become a better companion towards you.